
信的標題是: Warehouse Order Picker/Packer at Amazon Inc
Hello,We received your job application for the position of a Warehouse Order Picker/Packer at Amazon Inc. We have looked at your application and would like to invite you for an interview.Please kindly specify which of the following location is convenient for you.Sydney NSW 2000
Brisbane City QLD 4000
Melbourne VIC 3000
Adelaide SA 5000
Clare SA 5453
Mitcham SA 5062
Darwin City NT 0800
Dural NSW 2158
Kew East VIC 3102
Macclesfield VIC 3782You will get an opportunity to talk to us about your previous education/work history. The purpose of this interview is for us to get to know you a bit better and discuss the experience you have that is relevant to this role.NOTE: We shall confirm your date and time of interview once you reply us with your preferred location.Working hours: You can simply choose which of the working hours suits you.
Morning shift
Afternoon shift
Night shiftThis email doesn’t automatically offer you the job.We look forward to working with you!Emily Clain ¦ Permanent Recruiter
Email: recruitment@vanerecruitment.com
Web : vanerecruitment.com
Tel: +61383720166
Vane Employment Service
- 仲介官網(已關閉):通常官網都會有Job Seekers & Employers這兩個專區,類似我們所謂的求職者跟徵才者,但是在這封信上給的網址,連結過去卻只有簡單介紹跟聯絡方式的選項,令人摸不著頭緒。
- 徵才廣告:不論是在仲介的官網,或是像Seek、Indeed這種類似於台灣104人力銀行的求職網,我找不到這篇訊息的出處,連網頁的瀏覽歷史記錄,也是翻不出自己有投過這間仲介任何職缺的痕跡。
- 應徵成功信:投完履歷後,通常都會寄一封應徵成功的E-mail到信箱中,內容通常會用較顯眼的字形說「這是一封來自系統的自動回信,請不要回應!」,主要是提醒應徵者在哪裡看到職缺並投了履歷,並附上職缺廣告的網址。但我沒有收到任何應徵成功的信,就收到這封非系動自動信,也沒付上職缺網址,因此我根本不知道自己到底投了什麼。
Dear Manager,I interested in Warehouse Order Picker/Packer at Amazon Inc.Melbourne VIC is convenient for.Working hours: ALL of the working hours suits me, but prefer : Morning shift >Afternoon shift >Night shiftI look forward to hearing from you.Best Regards,
Ren-Cing (Patrick)
Hello,Thanks for your interest in working as a Warehouse Order Picker/Packer at Amazon Inc. We would like you to complete below interview question for final decision on your application. Kindly answer to the following questions.Kindly answer to the following questions :1 Tell us a little about your self.
2 What motivates you to do a good Job?
3 When are you available to start?
4 Would you be able to work weekends and over time?
5 Explain why we should hire you?Note: The purpose of this screening is for us to get to know you a bit better and discuss the experience you have that is relevant to this role.Looking forward to hearing from youRegardsEmily Clain ¦ Permanent Recruiter
Email: Application@vanerecruitment.com
Web : vanerecruitment.com
Tel: +61383720166
Hello manager,I will answer to the following questions :1 Tell us a little about your self.My name is Ren-Cing, I come from Taiwan on working holiday visa. I’m a hard worker who is accuracy and attention to detail and careful product handling.I’m a friendly, positive and enthusiastic person who is positive and enthusiastic person, easy to get along with, work well with others, and also can stay until August 2019 (Valid Date of Visa: 19/08/2019).2 What motivates you to do a good Job?I flew from Taiwan to Australia, start my second life for one year. It's not a easy choose, out of my country, family and friend. If I want to live in here, I must to DO MY BEST !I need to do my best on my job to earn salaries. Only me can help myself, no other options. That above is why I can motivates myself to do a good Job.3 When are you available to start?I can Immediate start.4 Would you be able to work weekends and over time?Yes, I Can work weekends and over time.5 Explain why we should hire you?I Graduated from Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management, I not only have business knowledge, production and quality management etc. So how to improve process to achieve cost down and increase efficiency is my advantage.I believe I am a strong candidate of your company, looking forward to join your firm. I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss my qualifications at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.I’m looking forward from youBest Regards,
9月4日再次收到回信,這次信中特別要求要做國家警察檢查,一開始以為是需要台灣的良民證,但最後發現National Police Check application (NPC)指的是澳洲良民證的申請,由澳洲聯邦警察(Australian Federal Police, AFP)負責,經官方委外認可的仲介機構,也能從官網中查詢(網址如下)。
信的標題: FollowUp on Interview Question
Hello,Thanks for completing our online interview questions, Congratulation on passing our assessment as you have been selected for the job. As per our requirement you need to carry out Criminal Records Bureau (CRB/DBS) checks.In order for us to complete a police check, we use an accredited partner with access to the National Police History database.Fees$49.40 for each National Police Check application.Note: A Valid CRB report is essential for this role, We do not accept police check that is over 30days.We'll confirm by email or SMS when your police check certificate is ready.
Choose from receiving an online or hard (paper) copy in the mail.The requirement for Police check:1.) Your name
2.) Date of Birth
3.) Currently registered address.Kindly get back to me so that I can give you proper guidelines on how to go about sending the payment for the DBS.We look forward to working with you!Regards.Emily Clain ¦ Permanent Recruiter
Email: Application@vanerecruitment.com
Web : vanerecruitment.com
Tel: +61383720166
- 官網 :仲介的官網是否有Job Seekers & Employers這兩個專區,以及聯絡方式是否有附上實體地址。通常官網精美但沒甚麼資訊,又沒什麼名氣的仲介,就要多留個心眼,跟其他仲介的官網比較。
- 應徵成功信&職缺廣告:自己如果真有應徵該徵才職位,應該能直接從信中找到職缺的網址,或是能從求職網或仲介官網找到職缺資訊。網路都會留下足跡(除非開無痕),如果自己沒有投過的印象,瀏覽紀錄也都找不到痕跡,要小心詐騙的可能性很高。
- 費用索取:在應徵階段是不會有任何費用需要應徵者去支付的!只要有任何費用要求,絕對詐騙無誤!忘記之前在哪看到,如果是資方或是仲介要求像是國家警察檢查或是藥物檢查等,只要不是出自勞方自身意願去做的檢查,資方跟仲介支付全額費用,而非勞方負擔部分或全部費用。
Don’t pay upfront fees:Never apply for any job which asks for any upfront fees.
